Sunday, March 28, 2010

Drupal 7 and PostgreSQL

I am in the midst of preparing for my tutorial, Realistic Load Testing, at PGCon 2010. After talking with a number of folks at my favorite IRC channel, I decided to use the Drupal 7 Project as my test case.
For years, Drupal worked best with MySQL. Not that I harbor ill will against the database, it is just my experience with databases has led me to PostgreSQL as a superior engine. That said, MySQL works great for these types of applications. The types of applications we do at Digitec tend to need a much more robust solution.
With Drupal 7, there has been a more concerted effort in giving PostgreSQL a chance at being a valid alternative to MySQL. The code changes and the model the Drupal development team has made have helped.
My hope is that by using Drupal, I will not only give a good "real world" example application, but also give back to the Open Source community through the tests and tools that will be created for the tutorial. As Drupal 7 is still in beta development, I hope these tests can help the developers look into solutions for any problems that occur. I also hope that it will help in showing that PostgreSQL is a great fit for Drupal.

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